
2019/05/24 01:48

中国商业统计学会人工智能分会理事 Bevictor伟德科学技术协会代表
Cui, Y., Liu, Y., & Gu, M. (2022). Investigating the Key Drivers of Impulsive Buying Behavior in Live Streaming. Journal of Global Information Management, 30(1), 1-18. Cui, Y., Zhu, J., & Liu, Y. (2022). Exploring the Social and Systemic Influencing Factors of Mobile Short Video Applications on the Consumer Urge to Buy Impulsively. Journal of Global Information Management, 30(1), 1-23. Cui, Y., Wang, X. (2022). Investigating the role of review presentation format in affecting the helpfulness of online reviews. Electronic Commerce Research,. Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., Liu, Y., & Kurcz, K. (2020). Understanding consumer intentions toward cross-border m-commerce usage: A psychological distance and commitment-trust perspective. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 39, 100920. Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., & Liu, Y. (2019). Understanding information system success model and valence framework in sellers’ acceptance of cross-border e-commerce: a sequential multi-method approach. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-30. Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, & Liu, Y. (2018). Knowledge mapping of social commerce research: a visual analysis using CiteSpace. Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4): 837-868. Cui, Y., Liu, Y., & Mou, J. (2018). Bibliometric analysis of organisational culture using CiteSpace. South African Journal of Economic and management Sciences. 21. Mou, J.*, Cui, Y., & Kurcz, K. (2020). Trust, risk and alternative website quality in B-buyer acceptance of cross-border e-commerce. Journal of Global Information Management, 28(1): 167-188. Mou, J.*, Cui, Y., & Kurcz, K. (2019). Bibliometric and visualized analysis of research on major e-commerce journals using citespace. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 20(4): 219-237.
[1]Cui, Y., Mou, J., Liu, Y., & Kurcz, K. (2018). Understanding Cross-border M-commerce Acceptance: An Integration of Commitment-trust Theory and Trust Transfer Theory. Thirty-Ninth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, USA. [2]Cui, Y., Mou, J., Cohen, J., & Liu, Y. (2018). Understanding IS Success Model and Valence Framework in Sellers' Acceptance of Cross-border E-commerce. 2018 Wuhan International Conference on e-Business, Wuhan, China. [3]Cui, Y., Mou, J., Cohen, J., Liu, Y., & Kurcz, K. (2018). Understanding Psychological Distance Theory and Commitment-trust Theory in the Acceptance of Cross-border M-commerce. 2018 International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Tianjing, China. [4]Cui, Y., Mou, J., & Liu, Y. (2017). Bibliometric and visualized analysis of research on e-commerce journals. 2017 International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Seoul, Korea. [5]Yu, R., Cui, Y. (2021). Understanding the key drivers of impulse purchasing on live streaming from the perspective of flow experience. 2021 International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Chengdu, China. [6]Cui, Y., & Wang, X. (2020) Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Brand Equity: Brand Equity in the Digital Age. China Marketing International Conference
国家自然青年科学基金项目:短视频时代电商渠道与广告诉求的匹配关系研究:基于调节定向视角(72202219),主持。 国家自然青年科学基金项目:基于投资者复杂网络结构的证券市场系统性关联风险识别和干预(71803147),参研。 陕西省软科学研究计划项目,扩展大中城市交通容量及典型城市范例研究--以西安市为例(2016KRZ005),参研。 全国统计科学研究项目,共享经济的统计测算方法研究(2017LY20),参研。

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