管理科学与工程系 副教授
清华大学 经济管理学院 管理学学士
清华大学 经济管理学院 管理学博士
美国华盛顿大学 访学
【研究方向】 信息管理、推荐算法、多模态数据、商务智能
【教授课程】 数据结构与算法,数据库技术
ICSSSM 2024 最佳论文奖
CSWIM program committee member
CNAIS 2024/2022智能媒体与信息传播 分论坛召集人
Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems, Information Processing & Management, ICIS, PACIS 等期刊会议审稿人
1. Y. Guan, Y. Tan, Q. Wei, G. Chen. (2023). When Images Backfire: The Effect of Customer-Generated Images on Product Rating Dynamics. Information Systems Research. (UTD-24)
2. 陈国青,张维,任之光,管悦*,卫强.面向大数据管理决策研究的全景式PAGE框架[J].管理科学学报,2023,(5):4~22.
3. Y. Guan, B. Lu, W. Yan, G. Chen. (2023). Show me your face: investigating the effect of facial features in review images on review helpfulness. Electronic Commerce Research.
4. Y. Guan, Q. Wei, G. Chen. (2019). Deep learning based personalized recommendation with multi-view information integration. Decision Support Systems. 118.
1. 2021 CIST. Mining Self-Presentation Styles for Reciprocal Recommendation in Online Dating: An Attention-Based Approach.
2. 2020 WITS. Social Recommendation with Attention-Based Personality Mining in the Online Dating Context.
3. 2019 ICIS. The Dark Side of Images: Effect of Customer Generated Images on Product Assessment.
4. 2019 EUSFLAT. Modeling Implicit Feedback and Latent Visual Features for Machine-Learning Based Recommendation.
5. 2018 INFORMS.“The Happier The More Helpful? Effect of Facial Emotions in Customer Images.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于企业内外部用户生成内容匹配和可解释深度学习技术的客户满意度分析 参与